Welcome to the Valentus information page!

The purpose of this page is to allow you to explore Valentus as a company and several of their One-Of-A-Kind products. We believe Valentus will offer you the opportunity to experience tremendous success. Valentus is a debt free, 6 year old company that is growing at a tremendous rate.  Total sales for 2018 were $18 million and closed out 2019 approaching $90 million for the year. We believe the following exclusive Valentus “silver-bullet products” are a large part of its success and the success of so many of its distributors around the world.

Natural Cellular Detox: All natural mineral supplement made from Zeolite. Zeolite has been proven to remove heavy metals and toxins including Cadmium, Arsenic, Mercury, Lead, Anemone, Iron and many others as well as balance the bodies PH.

Emulin: Clinically documented by published peer-reviewed studies showing blood sugar improvement in diabetics, taking Valentus to a new level.
Thermo-Roast Coffee & Cocoa: Both promoting weight loss and helping people regain their health by naturally controlling their food urges and appetite.
M.O.R.E.+ Detox: Carbon 60, a twice Nobel Prize nominated product that works throughout the entire body by trapping & removing damaging free-radical toxins and heavy metal poisons from the body.
Prevail Max: Revitalizes red blood cells thus increasing oxygenation of the body through increased blood flow.
Instant Youth: You can look years younger in only 5 minutes any time you want. Valentus’s alternative to botox and cosmetic surgery.

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Click Send to be taken to some key product presentations and a couple audio interviews between our company founder and its amazing product formulators as they discuss Valentus’s current and future groundbreaking products. We believe you will understand the excitement Valentus has generated in the industry.